
Time for a quick update, Femkuber has been involved in increasingly diversified analyses and calculations since the last update. A few of the most recent ones are:

  • Two modules for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) for Norcem’s concrete factory in Breivik, Norway.

  • A movable module dedicated for compression of steel pipes for a Polish nuclear power plant.

  • Re-certification and documentation by analysis of an overhead crane at Blommenholm Båtforening, Høvik, Norway.

Happy New Year!

2020 has been challenging for many people and companies and we feel for those who struggle with the consequences of Covid-19 and the generally poor market conditions. Femkuber has also felt the impact of the pandemic, but is fortunately still going strong. The last year has provided various exciting analysis challenges. This includes verification of a lifting spread for melting crucible with bail, blast analyses on SO2-shelters, in-place analyses of offshore modules and various subsea equipment to mention some.

In the advent of a roll-out of an effective vaccine against the Plague, we wish all our clients and collaborating partners a Happy New Year, and hope sincerely it will be better than the previous. Take care and stay safe.



Dear reader,

There has been a while since the last update, and we apologize for that. This is not due to a lack of ongoing activities, but rather to the nature of the projects we have been involved in. Some includes clients with a need to keep technical details secret due to patenting processes, others to strategic issues.

So we are still vibrantly active with engineering challenges and always with the best for our clients in focus.

Yours sincerely,


Hydro power plant calculations

Femkuber has now developed the capability of high accuracy hydro power plant calculations as part of our long and close cooperation with Tidetec. This includes:

  • Determination of turbine operational mode for maximum energy production based on available Hill-charts
  • Tidal power plant production schemes by 0D-simulations (aka Flat Estuary Model)

The above capabilities can be used to compare turbine options (Francis/Kaplan/Pelton), establish turbine dimensions, energy output and so on for any hydro power plant configuration.  

Tidal barrage operational scheme

Tidal barrage operational scheme

Femkuber trusted by Hallgruppen

For the last few months, Femkuber has performed extensive structural optimization and verification analyses on Hallgruppen's products. These comprises the entire spectrum of small party tents to large industrial halls. 

Hallgruppen is a rapidly growing and ambitious company. It has during its few years of existence grown to become one of the main suppliers in the Scandinavian market. 

A magnificent vessel!

Femkuber has been engaged by Goldfish Boats to perform analyses and verifications of vital GRP-parts on their 29' Tender. The analyses have been performed in Ansys Mechanical Enterprise suite mainly with the ACP module. 

We are very proud to be trusted and recognized by Goldfish Boats, and are looking forward to exciting further collaboration!


Goldfish 29 Tender - Courtesy of Goldfish Boats

Goldfish 29 Tender - Courtesy of Goldfish Boats

We are moving!

Femkuber is pleased to announce that we are moving to new offices from April 15th, 2018. The address is Hoffsveien 13, which is between our present offices and Skøyen. 

The new premises is hosted by Norsk Energi and includes a conference room, several meeting rooms, a cafeteria and a proper reception in a historic building reflecting Norwegian industrial history. We are looking forward to welcoming our clients and cooperating partners there!